Wednesday, June 18, 2008

kena bomb(cha)!!!!

today the scout troop kena cha by the taekwando club after we were comparing who is better against pandu puteri+kadet bomba.we were clapping,singing,shouting and got scolded by ch and my scout t-shirt was hell big....

we also got screwed by our eng teacher because we sorta forgotten to prepare our oral speech...she screw us 99 until cannot say anything...le-man also gave us something from sing. ,its a badge that says shit(that would be mine)and shit happens(ch's) cool

Monday, June 16, 2008


lols...on saturday was damn stupid!when i went to get me new specs. 2 aussies were there...they were funny and nice people though..but when they left one of them came to me and shaked my hand and said i am too quiet...lols...

sunday was shit boring while waiting for my sis to get her award from a tuition centre kasturi...i had to sit there and wait and wait and you know what wait some more.....and then got my new specs.