Monday, May 26, 2008

iu homie

we had iu day at some random place in selangor was the okay......hundreds came with all kinds of costume.everybody rocked the pictures for that tragically...but still it was okay.... after that my sis punya gang and i went over to neelas,that i got pics

thats some of them,the other some of them went toilet and me taking the pic

jason :)

jason dissapearing....(magic baby)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

freakin week...

omg, exam is the worst thing that ever sux no entertainment just study,study, study...damn boring....i wanted to blog about last saturday but don't have the freakin time.and again naruto goes around screwing up my friends ass for the wrong reasons.....(what a bitch).lol.

ya as i was saying about saturday,it was so awesome that i had witnessed the fast eating of indomee in jalal.yuet nam managed to finish a plate of indomee with egg in maggi goreng came first and he even managed to finish it with another roti telur before me,he must be stuffing everthing in his mouth at!!!.and i went to iplay for the first time and i was like woo.... fascinatin,i was damn outdated,to chia han,yt and edric its like being at home.wth.all of us played counter strike and i admit it chia han is quite

Friday, May 9, 2008

not nice day for outdated boy

ever heard of a game called 'dota'.well if u havent try it,take a shot its kinda shok....i just started it today while the whole school knows about it except me.wth,no a teacher named naruto caught some of my classmates and screwed the ass out them over such small reasons and blabed it all over the school, what an ass.edric got slight emo over did the others except leroy so tabah.... fu-yoh!!but for me i escaped that ass for screwing me so did pixie

exam is next week and i havent started studying even dad kept saying(including my tutor), that is if my result sux i'm wish me luck for this crap shit thingy and to the others of course from each form.good luck and never be like me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


hello me new in this blogging thingy so me very blur and me happy yet feeling retarded.(lols).nothing much happened today my sis was pissed off over certain reasons.finnaly it started to rain at puchong after weeks.thts just preety much.i know its kinda short to end this but ya its my first shit so what can u expect.(lols).